Dr. Ashley Hoyt on Detox Therapy
Dr. Ashley Hoyt sees many patients for annual and even seasonal detox therapy, or detoxification, depending on their level of health. If you’re feeling less than your best and you just can’t put your finger on it, then you might need a round of detoxification.
Modern food production and pharmacological products have massively increased the amount of foreign substances we consume. While our bodies are designed to clean out toxins, high volumes of complex chemicals slow down the process. As a result toxification is like a backup on the freeway.
How does acupuncture help detox your body?
Each person’s habits are different so we start by checking factors like emotions, or asking questions about diet and where you live. Then we use the patented AcuGraph system to map your meridians, roads that carry energy between organs in the body. This method lets us narrow down the cause of your toxic imbalance and where to begin treatment.
For example, for Kidney issues an acupuncturist finds a specific point along its meridian. Pinpointed using AcuGraph, the treatment stimulates chemical signals that are being blocked by toxic substances. In a way, acupuncture breaks the dam created by free radicals, releasing good chemicals your body needs to keep your system clean and flowing.
Dr. Ashley Hoyt recommends an excellent vitamin supplement called Glutathione. We use Glutathione, a natural antioxidant, to stimulate cells to expel harmful chemicals. Dr. Ashley applies the vitamin supplement just like acupuncture, getting straight to the source of the issue to have the best effect.
If these symptoms affect you, or if you just have questions about how acupuncture might help you, book an appointment with Dr. Ashley Hoyt today.